Tip Tuesday – Maker Submissions


This crochet Tip Tuesday is an extra special one because it comes direct from the crochet community! A few weeks ago, I put out a request asking makers and designers to share their favourite crochet and yarn tips. I received fabulous replies filled with tricks and tips to share.

Thank you to all those who contributed and for helping to create a community based post to share with other makers.

Crochet Community Contributions: Tip Tuesday

  • Never look at someone else’s project and think ‘I will never be able to do that!’ You absolutely can! You may need to learn a new technique, a new stitch or how to read a pattern. But it is most certainly achievable! (Submitted by: Sunflower Cottage Crochet)
  • Don’t be afraid to make a mistake because unlike most things, with crochet you always get a do-over. (Submitted by: @timmelcrochet)
  • If you’re new to designing garments, make something in toddler size; it’s much quicker and uses less yarn (also quicker to frog!). (Submitted by: @talesofknots)
  • Try different ways of holding your hook and holding the yarn, until you find the combination that feels the most comfortable for you. This will lead to more uniform tension in your projects and a lot more joy while crocheting. (Submitted by: Andrea from @yarnandy)
  • Count your stitches each and every row even if you have the pattern memorized. You could be adding or skipping stitches and not even notice it. Stitch markers help too! (Submitted by: @krystalized_crochet)
  • When frogging, ball up that yarn as you go, so you don’t have to contend with all the yarn barf! (Submitted by: Straight Hooked @straighthookedus)
  • When working with two or more colours on projects you won’t see the back of (hats, cup cozies), drop the colour and switch to the next, then pick up the next time you need the first colour to avoid having so many ends to weave in. (Submitted by: Through The Loop Yarn Craft @throughtheloopyarncraft)
  • When possible, always try to pull the yarn from the centre of the skein/ball to avoid tangling. (Submitted by: @thewoolflowerco)
  • Using a smaller hook size for perfect thickness shape when making baskets, bags, purses. (Submitted by: @hookychia)

Such wonderful ideas and tips! I hope you found them helpful and that they add some new ways to make your crocheting a little easier.

If you’d like to connect or just say hello, I always love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below or head over to the “contact” section of my blog on other ways to get in touch.

Happy Crocheting!
