Tip Tuesday – All About Yarn Weight

Depending on how long you’ve been crocheting, your comfort level with yarn may vary. Often, beginners tend to stick to the same yarn because it’s familiar and it’s easy to work with. Generally, worsted weight is the go-to when learning or practicing. There are so many different types of yarn and today I’d like to talk about the different weights and what projects you might use them for.

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Crochet Tip Tuesday – Basic Stitches

I hope you have been enjoying my crochet tips. Today is all about the basics. If you’re new to crochet, I know how exciting it can be to find a pattern you love and want to jump into trying. I also know how frustrating it can be when you start the pattern and realize it’s a little beyond your skill level. It is 100% okay to not be at advanced levels right off the bat. When I started crocheting in 2012, I found myself getting ahead of where my skills actually were. It was discouraging and made me want to put my hook down on multiple occasions. From my own experience, one of the best pieces of advice I can offer those new to crochet is to invest time in the basic stitches. I promise you, it will pay off.

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Tip Tuesday – Project Burn Out

For many people, crocheting is a relaxing and enjoyable hobby but there are times when we are called to focus on bigger projects. Sometimes it’s for the personal challenge or perhaps you have your own crochet business and you’ve been commissioned for something large or complex. It’s also possible to feel tired of working on a pattern, especially if there’s a repetitive stitch or you’re using one colour for a great length of time. Whether it’s from needing a break from a difficult pattern or simply needing a “reset”, having a small side project is a great idea.

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Tip Tuesday – Try Something New

At some point, I think every crocheter (especially beginners) have looked at a pattern and thought “That’s beautiful but it’s too hard for me. I don’t know how to make those stitches”. Sometimes that pattern gets saved for later or sometimes it gets brushed aside because it’s intimidating. Yes, there are definitely skill levels to patterns but that doesn’t meant you should pass one by simply because you aren’t there yet.

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